Business Summary
Once the customer constructs their idea, Creative Enterprises Inc. tests an d supports the customers product development plans throughout the product l ife cycle. On the road from the inventor's idea to initial design and proto typing, the engineering team will consult with the customer and the Creativ e management team to assure that the ideas and creativity provide truly uni que, cost effective solutions for the home or business. Creative Enterprise s' certified professional engineers then create safe, durable designs that evolve into top quality products and product lines. Specialized welders, ma chinists, electricians and electronics technicians then put together projec ts from raw iron and steel, wire and chips to plastic and glass. Tool syste ms, dyes and manufacturing lines are created to realize mass production of prototypes that reach the market in short time frames. Our mobile service u nits come complete with mechanics, welders and heating and air conditioning experts.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
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