Business Summary
Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (the Bank) is a bank holding company. The Bank provides medium to long term financing to various sectors, such as infrastructure, including road or highways, utilities, port and tourism; maritime, including vessels, shipyard and marine-related services; technology, including bio-technology, advanced manufacturing and environment conservation, and oil and gas, including offshore, onshore, and offshore support vessels and logistic. Its products and services include contract financing scheme, green technology financing scheme, property development financing scheme, conventional loan, Islamic financing, tourism infrastructure fund, tourism infrastructure development fund, deferred payment scheme, maritime fund, maritime development fund, green lane financing scheme and private finance initiative scheme. Its mode of financing includes project finance, contract finance, deferred payment loans, private finance initiatives and structured finance.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Menara Bank Pembangunan, Bandar Wawasan, 1016, Jalan Sultan Ismail
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