Business Summary
Safaricom PLC is a Kenya-based technology company. The Company is engaged in providing a range of services and solutions, including mobile voice, messaging, data, financial and converged services, and digital services that enable commercial and personal platforms as well as ecosystem partnerships. It comprises of two operating segments based on their geographic locations, namely Kenya and Ethiopia. Its business includes M-PESA for business, Internet for business, Cloud solutions, Mobile communication solutions and Cybersecurity solutions. Its services and solutions include M-PESA, Fuliza, Lipa Na M-PESA (LNM), KCB M-PESA, M-Kesho Bank Account, M-Shwari, M-KOPA, M-TIBA, M-PESA Consumer App, M-PESA Go, M-PESA Business App, Pochi La Biashara, Kifaru Net, M-PESA GlobalPay Virtual VISA Card, and M-Salama. Its subsidiaries are Vodafamily Ethiopia Holding Limited, Instaconnect Limited, Safaricom Money Transfer Services Limited, DigiFarm Kenya Limited, and East Africa Tower Company Limited.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Telecommunications Services
Company Address
P.O. Box 66827
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