Business Summary
Arab African International Bank (AAIB) is an Egypt-based bank engaged in commercial and investment banking services. The services include corporate Banking, which offers credit facilities, trade finance, depository products, structured finance, fix and forward, and margin lending; Personal Banking which offers accounts, time deposits, card services, loans, Shield Mutual Funds, Juman Money Market Fund, Western Union, safe boxes, as well as merchant and other retail services; Wealth Management provides Visa Platinum Cards and other distinguished offers, and Investment Banking offers treasury services, corporate finance and other investment products. In addition to Egypt, the Bank also operates in the United Arab Emirates through a branch in Abu Dhabi and a branch in Dubai, and in Lebanon through a branch located in Beirut.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
5 Midan El Saray El Koubra Street, Garden City
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