Business Summary
Champion Brands LLC is a United States-based company, which produces and blends fuel, oil, engine additives, and lubricants for the automotive, racing, heavy truck, agricultural, industrial, and specialty markets. The Company offers motor oils, diesel oils, automotive chemicals, transmission fluids, tractor fluids, hydraulic oils, gear oils, industrial oils, aerosols, and grease. It also provides specialty products, such as racing fuel, limited slip differential additive, methanol-clear, methanol-blue, air lok tire sealant, solvent, bar and chain oil, air tool oil light, white oil, and engine assembly lube supplement. The Company offers performance additives, including diesel fuel conditioners and antigels, octane boosters, engine protectants, multi-purpose chain lubes, and power steering fluids. The company sells its products through performance and racing warehouse, and commercial/industrial distributors in the United States.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
1001 Golden Dr.
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