Business Summary
Les Laboratoires Servier SAS is a France-based pharmaceutical company. The Company manufactures drugs for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, endocrinology, oncology, rheumatology, venous diseases, ENT (ear, nose and throat), neurosciences and asthenia, under the brand names: Coversyl, Coveram, Procoralan, Muphoran, Protelos, Daflon 500, Locabiotal, Valdoxan, Stablon and Arcalion, among others. The Company operates five research and discovery centers in France, as well as another research center in Hungary and 19 international centers for therapeutic research (ICTRs). Les Laboratoires Servier SAS is also involved in research and development of drugs in collaboration with other research communities, such as French universities and institutes, including the INSERM and the CNRS. The Company is established in 140 countries across five continents.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
50, rue Carnot
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