Business Summary
Umdasch Group AG is an Austria-based holding company engaged in the construction industry. The Company operates through three business units: Doka, which develops and produces formwork solutions for cast-in-place concrete construction; Umdasch Group Ventures, which is engaged in optimization of the construction process through new technologies, and Umdasch The Store Makers, which specializes in consulting and project management in the retail sector. Doka's offering includes system components, such as beams, floor props, plumbing accessories, stacking pallets and skeleton transport, among others, as well as wall and floor formworks, climbing formwork, load-bearing tower systems and safety systems, such as scaffolding. The service offering covers the full range from complex construction projects to single-family housing. It is active internationally. Umdasch Group Ventures participates in research and development projects, as well as supports and acquires technology start-ups.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Josef Umdasch Platz 1
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