Business Summary
Alessa Industries Company is a Saudi Arabia-based holding company. The Company acts as an umbrella company for a group of operating subsidiaries located in Saudi Arabia. Its main competence lies in manufacturing of heating, ventilation and air conditioning products including air conditioners, actuators, heat exchangers, dampers, chillers, coolers, and air control products, supplying of home appliances, and offering electromechanical contracting services. The Company's operating subsidiaries are Alessa for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Company, Al Essa Advance Project Company, Hamad Abdullah Al Essa & Sons Company, Authorized Maintenance and Operations Co, and Huntair Arabia.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
Alessa Industries Company Building, King Abdulaziz Street, Al Murabba Area, PO Box 2091
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