Business Summary
Nedbank Limited offers banking solutions. The Company is a subsidiary of Nedbank Group Limited. Its segments include Nedbank Capital, which consists of its investment banking businesses; Nedbank Corporate, which consists of the client-focused businesses of Corporate Banking, Property Finance, as well as Transactional Banking and Corporate Shared Services; Nedbank Retail, which serves the financial needs of individuals and small businesses, it offers banking and assurance products and services; Nedbank Business Banking, which offers commercial banking products and services to companies with an annual turnover of up to R700 million; Nedbank Wealth, which provides financial services through three divisions of Wealth Management, Asset Management and Insurance; the Rest of Africa Division, which is responsible for its banking operations and expansion activities in the rest of Africa, and the Centre, which consists of business operations that provide support services to Nedbank Group Ltd.
Country of Incorporation
South Africa
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
135 Rivonia Road
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