Business Summary
Enterprise Ireland is an Ireland-based government organization responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. The Firm works in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow and export sales on global markets. It works with entrepreneurs and business people across the full business development spectrum-from early-stage entrepreneurs, to established business owners and Irish multinational companies. Its clients include high potential start-up companies, manufacturing and internationally traded services, large companies (employing more than 250), and Irish-based food and natural resource companies, that are overseas-owned or controlled. The Firm’s services include Funding support, Export assistance, Supports to develop competitiveness, Incentives to stimulate in-company research an development (R and D), Assistance with R and D collaboration, and Connections and introductions to customers overseas.
Country of Incorporation
Ireland; Republic of
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Government Activity
Company Address
East Point Business Park, The Plaza, Dublin 3
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