Business Summary
National Housing Bank (the Bank) is a multifunctional development finance institution (DFI). The Bank operates as a principal agency to promote housing finance institutions and to provide financial and other support to such institutions. The Bank performs a range of activities, including financing, regulation and supervision and promotional initiatives. The Bank regulates and supervises the activities of housing finance companies, which include registration of housing finance companies for conduct of housing finance business, on-site and off-site supervision of housing finance companies, consumer interface and protection and co-ordination with other regulators. The Bank provides direct financial assistance for project lending to a range of borrowers in the public and public-private partnership, micro finance institutions, state level housing boards and area development authorities for integrated housing projects and slum redevelopment projects.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Core 5A, India Habitat Centre,, 3rd-5th floor, Lodhi Road,
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