Business Summary
Gulf Investment Corporation SAG (GIC) is a Kuwait-based investment company engaged in investing and financing activities. The Company operates in four business divisions. The Principal Investment division is responsible for investing in projects and equity participations; the Debt Capital Market division consists of marketable debt securities diversified across a range of geographic and industry sectors; the Equities and Alternative Investments division manages a diversified set of portfolios in an array of different asset classes and investment themes that comprise investments, ranging from equities to structured finance, private equity, market neutral funds, hedge funds and other alternative assets, and the Treasury division manages the Company’s liquidity, short-term interest rate and foreign exchange activities, and the corporate and other division comprises investments of a strategic nature, asset management, operations, risk management and financial control.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Sharq, Jaber Al-Mubarak Street, P.O.Box 3402 Safat
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