Business Summary
Lifebank Corp. is engaged in the business of processing and cryopreserving umbilical cord blood stem cells for families. The Company provides three services related to umbilical cord blood stem cell banking: education and registration, processing (extracting the stem cells from the umbilical cord blood) and cryogenic (ultra-low temperature) storage. Expectant parents contact the Company to process and store their baby’s cord blood stem cells. The Company provides educational materials and answers to the questions and concerns on cord blood banking, using a no-pressure, informed consent model to assist in their decision to bank their baby’s cord blood. After the parents register, it provides them a collection kit and further educational materials, which are used by their delivering physician or mid-wife to collect the umbilical cord blood.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
4475 Wayburne Dr 2nd Floor
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