Business Summary
Nottingham Building Society provides mortgages, savings products, insurance, financial planning and estate planning. The Company operates through three segments: Building Society, Estate Agency and Mortgage Broking. The Building Society segment provides mortgages, savings, third-party insurance and investments. The Estate Agency segment provides estate agency and lettings services. The Mortgage Broking segment provides mortgage broking services. It offers mortgage services for first time buyers, remortgaging, moving home and buy to let. Its savings products include Branch Instant, Branch Notice Issue 2, Fixed Rate Issue 156, Fixed Rate ISA Issue 20, Framework Fair Value Fixed Rate Issue 3, Framework Fair Value Fixed Rate Issue 4, Nottingham Forest Saver, Regular Saver, Reward ISA, Robin Hood Young Saver Issue 4 and Young Savers' Club. It offers home insurance and landlord insurance. It offers financial planning for young, family life, pre-retirement and post retirement customers.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Nottingham House, 3 Fulforth Street
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