526477 | BSE LTD
Business Summary
South Asian Enterprises Limited is an India-based company, which is engaged in running amusement parks and other activities, including trading in earthing and lightning protection systems. Its segments include Restaurants, Trading, and Others. Its range of products consists of lightning arrester, exothermic welding powder, surge protection device, earthing compound and earth electrode. The lightning arrester products include Schirtec Lightning Arrester SA, Schirtec Lightning Arrester DA, Schirtec Lightning Arrester S-A, Remote Tester for ESE Lightning Arrester and others. The exothermic welding powder products include exothermic welding and exothermic powder. Surge protection device products include surge protection devices for ITC system, gas discharge tube, data line surge protection device and others. The earthing compound products include terra gel, terra eco, chemical earthing compound, and grounding system. Earth electrode products include mobile electrode, earth rod and others.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
Building No.90, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase -III,
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