Business Summary
Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADMC) is a United Arab Emirates-based company engaged in the field of diversified media and broadcasting operations, including free and pay television, radio, publishing, digital media, games, feature films, music, digital signage, printing, and outside broadcast and production. The Company owns and operates several television channels and radio stations, including Abu Dhabi Al Oula, Abu Dhabi Al Emarat, Abu Dhabi Al Riyadiya, National Geographic Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Drama, Abu Dhabi FM, Emarat FM, and Star FM. In addition, it operates a number of publications such as Al Ittihad, The National, Zahrat Al Khaleej, Majid, and National Geographic Al Arabiya. ADMC also manages several media-related businesses and subsidiaries that include Imagination Abu Dhabi, which develops, finances and produces full length feature films and digital content for Arabic and international markets, and LIVE, which owns a fleet of outdoor broadcast vans and printing press.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
F95P+W95 Near Sky news Arabia, Mohammed Bin Khalifa St, Al Nahyan - Zone 1, P.O. Box: 63,
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