Business Summary
Digital Path Inc is a United States company that provides broadband Internet access. The Company operates as an Owner/Operator of wireless broadband networks in California and offers voice and data plans with higher speeds. It offers wireless products, including gateway, a connection between broadband wireless network and the Internet; and management server that hosts network monitoring tools. The Company’s network extends through the Central Valley from the Bay Area to the Oregon border and east into the Sierra Nevada foothills and Cascades. Its technology is designed to work with other Internet service provider (ISP) systems, thereby enabling users to sell through wholesalers. Its technology supports local and long distance telephone service. Its products are used for video surveillance for traffic, public safety, and high-crime areas; electric and gas meter reading, parking meters, and well sites; and resorts and hospitality.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Telecommunications Services
Company Address
1065 Marauder Street
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