Business Summary
Yiaco Medical Company KPSC (YIACO) is a Kuwait-based company that operates in the medical equipment trade and supplies sector. The Company is active, along with its subsidiaries, in import and sale of medical, chemical and dental products and equipments. The Company is structured into three business segments: the Pharma & Business Development segment, which represents a host of multinational research-based pharmaceutical and consumer-care companies with a range of therapeutic product groups in pharmaceutical and consumer health care; the Medical, Scientific and Dental segment acts as an agent for many multinational medical, dental, imaging and scientific research based manufacturers, and markets hospital medical equipment, laboratory, scientific equipment, dental equipment and materials, and the Medical Center segment is a chain of medical diagnostic centers and home care services spread across Kuwait, which offers outpatient health care services.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
Sama Tower, Amr Bin Al Aas Street, P.O.Box 435 Block 5 Safat Salmiya
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