Business Summary
Provides security consultancy services. The Company offers security consulting and engineering Services. The Company's services include risk or vulnerability assessment, planning and budgeting, studies and evaluations, security system design, construction administration, security programs development, security publications, security officer service specifications and training. The Company provides services to educational institutions, airports & marine ports, justice & detention facilities, financial institutions, retail establishments, entertainment complexes, industrial plants, office buildings, computer high-technology, telecommunications, medical facilities, government agency facilities, military installations, postal facilities, transportation facilities, museums, municipal buildings and corporate campuses. The Company is founded in the year 1997. Acquient Security Consulting, Inc is founded after Secure Concepts International Inc has merged with Security Access Design Group LLC.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
3740 North Josey Lane, Suite 230
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