Business Summary
Saudi Arabian Lubricating Oil Co, Known as Petromin Corporation, is a Saudi Arabia-based company that is engaged in the production and marketing of a range of lubricating oils and greases inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and abroad under the brand name of Petromin Oils. The Company owns and operates two blending plants in Riyadh and Jubail and a drum manufacturing facility in Riyadh. Petromin Corporation has established international business development network in 35 countries in Asia, Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Middle East, through building partnerships with local and regional companies. Petromin Corporation produces 150 different products, including Gasoline Engine Oils, Diesel Engine Oils, Gearbox and Transmission Oils, Industrial Oils, Marine Oils, Greases and other Specialty Products. The Company is a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Mobil Investments Incorporation.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
P.O.Box 1432,
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