Business Summary
m2p-labs GmbH is a Germany-based company that operates in the biochemical engineering sector. The Company was founded as a spin off of the department of biochemical engineering and the institute of materials in electrical engineering of the RWTH Aachen University. m2p-labs is a biotechnology company focused on microreaction and automated solutions for screening and bioprocess development. Its commercialized products are the BioLector, the BioLector Pro, and the FlowerPlate, which provide a micro fermentation platform. This technology caters to the field of biotechnology, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries to increase the number and the information content of microbial experiments (aerobic, microaerophilic, and strictly anaerobic). With the RoboLector, the Company also enables the automated fermentation of the whole bioprocess, with the specific integration of the BioLector tool into a liquid handling system.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
Forckenbeckstrasse 6
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