Business Summary
St. Jude Resources Ltd. is primarily in the mineral exploration business. The company has seven active gold exploration projects. The Hiwni-Butre, Benso and Shieni Hills projects are located in Ghana West Africa, the Goulagou and Rounga projects are in the north central region of Burkina Faso, and the Tialkam and Deba are located in Niger. It acquired 1,800 square kilometer Deba and Tialkam permits in Niger. The Hwini-Butre property straddles approximately 25 kilometers of the Ashanti gold belt. The Benso project consists of three concession blocks: Amantin, Subriso and Chichiwelli. The Goulagou/Rounga project prospecting license includes approximately 487 square kilometers. The Shieni Hills reconnaissance license was issued to the company during the year ended December 31, 2004. This is a new grass roots exploration project, which covers an area of approximately 500 square kilometers and is centered in the Shieni Hills iron ore deposits in the northeast corner of Ghana.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
5405 - 48th Avenue, Suite 200
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