Business Summary
Commander Resources Ltd. is a Canadian-focused exploration company. It is in the business of acquisition and exploration of resource properties in Canada and Mexico. Its properties include First Loon, Sabin, October Dome, Henry Lee, Burn, Pedro, and South Voisey’s Bay, and others. The 8,892-hectare (ha) First Loon property in the Pickle Lake Gold Belt is located south and east of the main concentration of past producing mines that include the Pickle Crow, Central Patricia and Dona Lake mines. Its ownership interest on the Sabin base-precious metal property varies from 58.5% to 100%. The October Dome gold-copper property is located in central British Colombia (BC), near the town of Likely. The Company has a 100% interest in the Henry Lee copper project. Henry Lee property is located 140 kilometers (km) north of Smithers in north central British Columbia. Burn property is located about 65 km north of Smithers, BC. Its Pedro claims are located about 100 km from the city of Torreon.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
11th Floor, 1111 Melville Street