Business Summary
CleanSpark, Inc. is a bitcoin mining company. The Company independently owns and operates about nine data centers in Georgia, three in Mississippi, two in Wyoming, and co-locations in Tennessee and New York. It operates a Bitcoin mining site in Wyoming with a power capacity of approximately 30 megawatts (MW). The Company does not host miners for any other companies. Its operating mining units are capable of producing over 22.6 exahashes per second (EH/s) of computing power. It owns and operates multiple data centers that primarily run on low-carbon power. An independent data center operation in Massena, New York, hosts 50 MW for the Company. It also has two Bitcoin mining sites and associated land near Clinton, Mississippi. The Company designs its infrastructure to responsibly secure and support the bitcoin network. The Company's subsidiaries include ATL Data Centers LLC, CleanBlok, Inc., CleanSpark DW, LLC, CleanSpark GLP, LLC, and CSRE Properties Norcross, LLC, among others.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Financial Technology (Fintech) & Infrastructure
Company Address
10624 S. Eastern Ave., Suite A - 638
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