Business Summary
Mohammad Al Mojil Group Co SJSC is a Saudi Arabia-based company engaged in the provision of construction and engineering services. The Company undertakes public works related to oil & gas projects, petrochemical facilities, in addition to civil, construction, mechanical, electrical, structural and maintenance operations. The Company is active in : Construction (Industrial), which comprises civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation, maintenance and turnaround, and construction support and facilities works units; Construction (Civil), which comprises civil works, construction support and facilities units; Fabrication, which involves operating two steel plants located in Dammam and Rabigh, and the Technical Services segment, which provides plant shut down, maintenance and modification, and other engineering services. In September 2014, the Company sold its Marine Services Division (MSD) together with its assets and crew to Jana Marine Services.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Mohammad Al Mojil Group Company SJSC, King Fahed Road, Ibn Khaldoun Area
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