Business Summary
Landmark Group Ltd. is an Israel-based company engaged in the real estate development sector. The Company specializes in land improvement and construction of residential and commercial properties. It is currently developing 10 projects, in six countries. The projects are at different stages of development. 1,650 residential units in Eastern Europe are currently under construction (155,000 square meter). The Company owns over 650,000 square meter designated for the construction of residence, office space and commercial areas in prime locations. Its projects include Terasz Park in Hungary, Class A Office and Commercial Tower Petakh-Tikva in Israel, Gdansk Old City and First Warsaw Golf and Country Club in Poland, Dream Village I and Dream Village II in Romania, as well as Residential and Commercial Development Kaliningrad in Russia among other. Its wholly owned subsidiaries are Landmark Holdings US, LLC, Slazenway Company Limited and Landmark Real Estate Holdings Ltd.
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Cyclical Consumer Products
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