Business Summary
Procyon Corporation operates through its subsidiaries AMERX Health Care Corporation (AMERX) and Sirius Medical Supply, Inc. (Sirius). AMERX develops and markets proprietary medical products used in the treatment of pressure ulcers, stasis ulcers, wounds, dermatitis, inflammation and other skin problems. Its product lines include AMERX, AMERIGEL, HELIX3 Bioactive Collagen, EXTREMIT-EASE Compression Garment and Advantagen Surgical Collagen. AMERX markets a line of AMERIGEL advanced skin and wound care products made with Oakin, that promote healing in wound and problematic skin conditions, including AMERIGEL Hydrogel Wound Dressing, AMERIGEL Post Op Surgical Kits, AMERIGEL Saline Wound Wash, AMERIGEL Care Lotion, and AMERIGEL Barrier Lotion. HELIX3 is available in Collagen Powder and Collagen Matrix. Its wound care product includes AMERX Calcium Alginate Dressing, AMERX Foam Dressing, AMERX Gauze Dressing, AMERX Hyrdocolloid Dressing, and AMERX Wound Care Kits.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Pharmaceuticals & Medical Research
Company Address
1300 S Highland Ave
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