Business Summary
RadNet, Inc. is a national provider of fixed-site diagnostic imaging services and related information technology solutions (including artificial intelligence) in the United States. It has a network of 398 owned and/or operated outpatient imaging centers. The Company’s Imaging Center segment provides physicians with imaging capabilities to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders. Its services include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), nuclear medicine, mammography, ultrasound, diagnostic radiology (X-ray), fluoroscopy and other related procedures. The Company’s Digital Health segment develops and deploys clinical applications to enhance interpretation of medical images and improve patient outcomes with an emphasis on brain, breast, prostate and pulmonary diagnostics. This segment also designs the underlying critical scheduling, data storage and retrieval systems necessary for imaging center operation.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
1510 Cotner Ave
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