Business Summary
FuelCell Energy, Inc. is engaged in delivering environmentally responsible distributed baseload energy platform solutions through its fuel cell technology. The Company is a global manufacturer of stationary fuel cell and electrolysis platforms that decarbonize power and produce hydrogen. Its commercial technology produces electricity, heat, hydrogen, and water while separating carbon for utilization and/or sequestration. Its product portfolio is based on two electrochemical platforms, carbonate, and solid oxide. Both platforms can support power generation and combined heat and power applications using a variety of fuels, including natural gas, renewable biogas, and hydrogen. Its Carbonate platforms use a mixture of reforming and electrolysis, while solid oxide platforms can be used for pure hydrogen electrolysis. Its solid oxide platform operates on pure hydrogen fuel. Its commercial platforms include SureSource 1500, SureSource 3000, SureSource 4000 and SureSource Hydrogen.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Renewable Energy
Company Address
3 Great Pasture Rd
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