Business Summary
Artificial Life, Inc. is an incubator and investor, investment scout and business advisor. The Company focuses on technology areas, including mobile and wireless technology and content, Internet technology and content, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, games, social networks, new media, interactive television, banking and finance software, artificial intelligence applications, genetic algorithms, neural networks, production optimization and logistics. It enables companies to find investment targets with a focus on Asia and Greater China, and Central Europe. It enables companies to enter new markets and enables them to raise funds for their expansion. The Company offers products, including Opus-M Version 2.0, MobileBooster, Opus-M Health, GluCoMo, Opus-M Health: Neurodermatitis, MoPA-TV, Opus-M Social, EcoChamp, ALife-PortfolioManager, SmartEngine and 3D Game Engine. It also enables due diligence and valuations of targets, as well as the analysis of businesses.
Country of Incorporation
Hong Kong
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
15/F, Somptueux Central, 52-54 Wellington Street, Central