Business Summary
RM2 International, Inc. is the owner and operator of the BLOCKPal, a technologically advanced, composite pallet. The Company provides its customers with end-to-end logistics Intelligence Optimization & Tracking (RM2 ELIoT) Internet of Things (IoT) technology for pallet traceability, delivering real-time actionable insights and data to improve the supply chain visibility to the manufacturing and distribution businesses it serves. The BLOCKPal pallets are provided to customers across a range of industries, with a particular focus on those where hygiene and traceability are of critical importance. Its IoT sensor data are transmitted to the cloud via the long-term evolution-machine (LTE-M) network, making visible the pallet’s location and condition both indoors and in transit without requiring any additional hardware or information technology (IT) development. The Company’s RM2 ELIoT is a cloud-based supply chain intelligence platform. It issues more than 1.5 million pallets annually.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
100 E Pine Street, Suite 110
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