Business Summary
Trustmark Corporation is a bank holding company. The Company's principal subsidiary is Trustmark National Bank (TNB). Through TNB and its subsidiaries, the Company operates as a financial services company providing banking and other financial solutions. The Company operates through three segments: General Banking, Wealth Management and Insurance. The General Banking Segment is responsible for all traditional banking products and services, including loans and deposits. The Wealth Management Segment provides customized solutions for customers by integrating financial services with traditional banking products and services, such as money management, full-service brokerage, financial planning, personal and institutional trust and retirement services. Through Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, Inc. (FBBI), a subsidiary of TNB, the Insurance Segment provides a range of retail insurance products, including commercial risk management products, bonding, group benefits and personal lines coverage.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
248 E Capitol St, P O Box 291
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