Business Summary
Intel Corporation is engaged in designing and manufacturing of semiconductors. It operates through three segments: Intel Products, Intel Foundry, and All Other. Its Intel Products segment includes Client Computing Group (CCG), Data Center and AI (DCAI), Network and Edge (NEX). The CCG is focused on long-term operating system, system architecture, hardware, and application integration that enable PC experiences. Its DCAI segment offers workload-optimized solutions to cloud service providers and enterprise customers, along with silicon devices for communications service providers. Its NEX segment helps networks and edge compute systems from inflexible fixed-function hardware to general-purpose compute, acceleration, and networking devices running cloud-native software on programmable hardware. The Intel Foundry segment comprises Foundry Technology Development, Foundry Manufacturing and Supply Chain, and Foundry Services organizations. All Other segments include Altera, Mobileye, Other.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
Rnb-4-151, 2200 Mission College Blvd
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