Business Summary
Allient Inc. is a global company, which designs, manufactures, and sells precision and specialty-controlled motion components and systems used in a range of industries. The Company sells component and integrated controlled motion solutions to end customers and original equipment manufacturer (OEMs) through its own direct sales force and authorized manufacturers’ representatives and distributors. The Company’s products and solutions include nano precision positioning systems, servo control systems, motion controllers, digital servo amplifiers and drives, brushless servo, torque, and coreless motors, brush motors, integrated motor-drives, gear motors, gearing, incremental and absolute optical encoders, active (electronic) and passive (magnetic) filters for power and harmonic issues, industrial safety rated input/output modules, universal industrial communications gateways, light-weighting technologies, and other controlled motion-related products.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
495 Commerce Drive, Suite 3
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