Business Summary
Ceva, Inc. is a licensor of silicon and software intellectual property (IP) that enables smart edge devices to connect, sense and infer data. The Company powers the connectivity, sensing, and inference in advanced smart edge products across consumer Internet of Things (IoT), mobile, automotive, infrastructure, industrial, and personal computing. Its application software IP is licensed primarily to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who embed it in their System on Chip (SoC) designs to enhance the user experience, and OEMs also license its hardware IP products and solutions for their SoC designs to create power-efficient, intelligent, secure, and connected devices. From Bluetooth connectivity, Wi-Fi, ultra-wide band (UWB) and fifth generation (5G) platform IP for communications, to scalable Edge AI neural processing unit (NPU) IPs, sensor fusion processors and embedded application software that make devices smarter, it has the portfolio of IP to connect, sense and infer data.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
15245 Shady Grove Road, Suite 400
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