Business Summary
Community West Bancshares operates, through its subsidiary, Community West Bank (the Bank), which provides full-service banking services. The Bank conducts a commercial banking business, which includes accepting demand, savings and time deposits and making commercial, real estate and consumer loans. It also provides domestic and international wire transfer services and other customary banking services. The Bank also offers Internet banking that consists of inquiry, account status, bill paying, account transfers, and cash management. The Bank has a Real Estate Division, an Agribusiness Center, and an SBA Lending Division. The Real Estate Division processes or assists in processing the Bank’s real estate related transactions, including interim construction loans for single family residences and commercial buildings. The Bank operates 27 full-service banking centers throughout Central California from Sacramento in the north, throughout the San Joaquin Valley and west to the Coast.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
445 Pine Avenue
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