Business Summary
Churchill Downs Incorporated is a racing, online wagering and gaming entertainment company, which is anchored by its flagship event, the Kentucky Derby. The Company owns and operates 14 live and historical racing entertainment venues in three states and nine casino gaming properties in eight states and 13 retail sportsbooks. It also operates an online horse racing wagering platform in the United States. Its segments include Live and Historical Racing, TwinSpires, and Gaming. Live and Historical Racing segment includes live and historical pari-mutuel racing at Churchill Downs Racetrack and its historical racing properties in Kentucky, Virginia and New Hampshire. The TwinSpires segment includes the TwinSpires Horse Racing, the TwinSpires Sports and Casino and the United Tote businesses. It also provides technology to support historical horse racing operations in Kentucky, Wyoming and New Hampshire. Gaming segment is engaged in the casino properties and associated racetrack facilities.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
600 N. Hurstbourne Parkway, Suite 400
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