Business Summary
Adobe Inc. is a global technology company. The Company's products, services and solutions are used around the world to imagine, create, manage, deliver, measure, optimize and engage with content across surfaces and fuel digital experiences. Its segments include digital media, digital experience, and publishing and advertising. The digital media segment is centered around Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Document Cloud, which include Adobe Express, Adobe Firefly, Photoshop and other products, offering a variety of tools for creative professionals, communicators and other consumers. The digital experience segment provides an integrated platform and set of products, services and solutions through Adobe Experience Cloud. The publishing and advertising segment contains legacy products and services. In addition, its Adobe GenStudio solution allows businesses to simplify their content supply chain process with generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and intelligent automation.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
345 Park Ave
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