Business Summary
Sotheby's is a United States-based art company. The Company provides a range of art-related services including the brokerage of private art sales, private jewelry sales through Sotheby's Diamonds, private selling exhibitions at its galleries, art-related financing, and art advisory services, as well as retail wine. Sotheby’s BidNow program allows clients to view all auctions live online and place bids from anywhere in the world. The Company operates through two segments: Agency and Finance. The agency segment matches buyers and sellers of authenticated art, decorative art, jewelry, wine, and collectibles (collectively, art or works of art or artwork or property) through the auction or private sale process. The finance segment is engaged in art-related financing activities by making loans that are secured by works of art.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
1334 York Ave
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