Business Summary
Rite Aid Corporation is a full-service pharmacy engaged in improving health outcomes. The Company meets customer needs with a range of solutions that offer convenience, including retail and delivery pharmacy, as well as services offered through its wholly owned subsidiaries Health Dialog Services Corporation (Health Dialog) and Bartell Drug Company (Bartell Drugs). Health Dialog provides healthcare coaching and disease management services via live online and phone health services. Regional chain Bartell Drugs supports the health and wellness needs in the Seattle area. Its Retail Pharmacy segment’s primary business is the sale of prescription drugs and related consultation to its customers. Additionally, the Retail Pharmacy segment sells a full selection of health and beauty aids and personal care products, seasonal merchandise, and a large private brand product line. The Company operates more than 1,700 retail pharmacy locations across 16 states.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Drug Retailing
Company Address
1200 Intrepid Avenue, 2nd Floor
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