Business Summary
PepsiCo, Inc. is a beverage and convenient food company. The Company's segments include Frito-Lay North America, which includes its food businesses in the United States and Canada; Quaker Foods North America, which includes its food businesses, such as cereal, rice, pasta and other branded food, in the United States and Canada; PepsiCo Beverages North America, which includes its beverage businesses in the United States and Canada; Latin America, which includes its beverage and convenient food businesses in Latin America; Europe, which includes its beverage and convenient food businesses in Europe; Africa, Middle East and South Asia (AMESA), which includes all of its beverage and convenient food businesses in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia; and Asia Pacific, Australia and New Zealand and China Region (APAC), which includes all of its beverage and convenient food businesses in Asia Pacific, Australia and New Zealand, and China region. Its brands include Lays, Doritos and Cheetos.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
700 Anderson Hill Rd
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