Business Summary
Valaris PLC is a United Kingdom-based offshore contract drilling company. The Company provides offshore contract drilling services to the international oil and gas industry. The Company operates through four segments: Floaters, Jackups, Aramco Rowan Offshore (ARO) and Other. Its floaters segment includes drill ships and semisubmersible rigs. Its ARO drilling owns, manages, and operates drilling rigs offshore Saudi Arabia. The other segment consists of management services on rigs owned by third parties. The Floaters and the Jackups segments provide contract drilling. It owns and operates an offshore drilling rig fleet of 82 rigs, including three rigs under construction, with drilling operations in markets around the world. It also has two deep water managed units. The Company serves many of the offshore exploration and production companies including integrated energy companies, national oil companies and independent operators.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Clarendon House, 2 Church Street
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