Business Summary
Andrea Electronics Corporation is engaged in designing, developing, and manufacturing digital microphone products and noise reduction software that facilitate natural language, human/machine interfaces. The Company’s technologies eliminate unwanted background noise to enable the performance of various speech-based and audio applications. It operates through two segments: Patent Monetization, and Andrea DSP Microphone and Audio Software Products. Patent Monetization includes Monetization Revenues. Andrea DSP Microphone and Audio Software Products primarily include products based on the use of some technologies: Andrea Digital Super Directional Array microphone technology (DSDA), Andrea Direction Finding and Tracking Array microphone technology (DFTA), Andrea PureAudio noise filtering technology, and Andrea EchoStop, an advanced acoustic echo cancellation technology. It also manufactures a line of accessories for the consumer and commercial markets in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
620 Johnson Avenue Suite 1-B
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