Business Summary
Acme United Corporation is a supplier of first aid and medical products and cutting technology to the school, home, office, hardware, sporting goods, and industrial markets. It markets and sells through two main product categories: first aid and medical and cutting and sharpening. The first aid and medical category includes first aid and safety products, such as First Aid Only, PhysiciansCare, Pac-Kit, Spill Magic, First Aid Central, Med-Nap and Safety Made brands. Its cutting and sharpening categories include school, home and office products (Westcott brand). Brands under hardware, industrial and sporting goods products are Clauss and DMT. Its principal products sold across all segments are first aid kits and medical products, scissors, shears, knives, and sharpening tools. It is also a supplier of tactical, trauma and emergency response products. It sells its products to mass market and e-commerce retailers, wholesale, contract and retail stationery distributors, and hardware chains.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Healthcare Services & Equipment
Company Address
1 Waterview Drive
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