Business Summary
PCS Edventures!, Inc. is a provider of K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education programs. The Company's customers include schools and school districts from the collegiate to kindergarten level, and providers of out-of-school programming, which include after-school programs, military education programs, home-schooling programs, summer programs, and corporate outreach programs. Its product categories include Enrichment Programs; Discover Series Products; BrickLAB Products; Discover Drones, Add-on Drone Packages, and Ala Carte Drone Items; STEAMventures BUILD Activity Book, and Professional Development Training. It offers around 30 different enrichment programs and typically develops at least two new programs each year. The Discover Series includes Discover Engineering, Discover Robotics & Programming, and Discover STEM. The BrickLAB Products are designed for the grade school market and use its proprietary bricks (which are Lego compatible) and curriculum.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
11915 W. Executive Dr., #101
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