Business Summary
National CineMedia, Inc. is a media company that operates the cinema advertising platform in the United States. Its platform consists of more than 18,400 screens in over 1,400 theaters in 190 Designated Market Areas. It presents multiple formats of The Noovie Show depending on the theater circuit in which it runs, including Post-Showtime advertising inventory after the advertised showtime. It also sells advertising on its LEN, a series of screens located in movie theater lobbies, and other forms of advertising and promotions in theater lobbies. It also sells digital online and mobile advertising through its Audience Accelerator, across its suite of Noovie digital properties and a variety of complementary out of home venues, such as restaurants, convenience stores and college campuses. The Noovie Show with Post-Showtime Inventory format is comprised of the same segments included within the Classic Noovie Show consisting of silver pod; gold pod; pre-trailer pod, and platinum position.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
6300 S Syracuse Way Ste 300
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