Business Summary
Capita PLC is a United Kingdom-based company. The Company provides consulting, transformation and professional delivery services, drawing on its practical experience, and provide digitally enabled services and solutions. The Company operates through two divisions: Capita Public Service and Capita Experience in the United Kingdom, Europe, India and South Africa. Capita Public Service division provides applied digital transformation and Business Process as a Service to improve the productivity and citizen experience of public services. The division is focused on education and learning; local public services; health and welfare; defense, security and fire; justice and policing; transport and central government. Capita Experience Division is engaged in designing, transforming and delivering experiences for the life moments. Its serves various industry verticals: telecoms, media & technology; retail & consumer products; energy and utilities; government and transport and financial services.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
65 Gresham Street
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