Business Summary
World Television Group PLC is a communications agency that specializes in video for corporations, governments and international organizations. It has offices in London, Stockholm, Madrid, Frankfurt, Zurich and Geneva. The Company also has representative offices in Asia Pacific in Sydney and Nelson. On February 21, 2007, the Company disposed of its Australian Webcasting business. The Company will continue to support its corporate television production and broadcast public relations (PR) clients in Australia and New Zealand. Its subsidiaries include World Television (Switzerland) Ltd, Virtue Corporate Services Ltd, World Television Pty Ltd, World Television Deutschland GmbH, Virtue Broadcasting (Holdings) Ltd, World Television Sweden Holding AB, Virtue Broadcasting Ltd and World Television Ltd. In October 2008, Medialink Worldwide Incorporated announced that it has closed sale of the client list of its United Kingdom-based media communications services business to the Company.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
3rd Fl, Astley House, 33 Notting Hill Gate
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