Business Summary
Caparo Group Ltd is a United Kingdom-based company, which manufactures and supplies steel and engineering products. The Company's product portfolio consists of steel tubes, aluminum die-castings, sheet metal pressings, steel pressings, steel bars and wires, stampings, auto fasteners, forgings, hand tools and engineering products for automakers and engineering companies. In addition, the Company is involved in a range of activities encompassing materials testing services, hotels, film distribution and private equity investment. It serves a range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, information technology, power generation, marine, general and civil engineering, furniture and interior design, oil and gas/petrochemical, military and defense, motor sport, agriculture and railways. The Company has operations across over 60 sites in the United Kingdom, India, Spain, North America, Canada and Dubai.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
103 Baker Street
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