Business Summary
Lamprell Limited i United Arab Emirates-based company, which provides fabrication, engineering and contracting services to the offshore and onshore oil & gas and renewable energy industries. The Company operates through five segments: New Build Jackup Rigs segment is engaged in the building of drilling rigs and jackup liftboats; Offshore Platforms cover variety of offshore construction projects including complex living quarters, wellhead decks, topsides, parts for floating production storage and offloading and other offshore fixed facilities; Modules segment includes fabrication of packaged, pre-assembled, modularized units and accommodation modules, and process modules for onshore Liquefied Natural Gas and downstream modular construction projects; Oil & Gas Contracting Services include land rig services, rig refurbishment, engineering and construction services, as well as sunbelt safety services, and Services segment contains business from Operations & Maintenance and safety services.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Jebel Ali Free Zone,
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